Maintaining Healthy Indoor Air Quality

From Pets to Pandemics

HVAC Systems are not just for controlling indoor temperatures, they are also a vital part of maintaining a healthy indoor air quality through their filtration system and/or accessories that aid in the removal of pathogens from the air. 

Air Filtration

Every HVAC System, has Air Filters! The quality of these filters can vary greatly and each system type could require different solutions for air filtration depending on location and customer needs. In normal times, we suggest liberally changing light weight filters that do not tax a systems motors. For people who suffer from sensitivities of indoor air quality, a greater filtration system may be a better approach to eliminate more indoor air factors, such as pollen, viruses, molds, animal hair/dander, or bacteria. Our answer to these factors is a Whole Home Filter by Aprilaire! These are changed 1-2 times per year and are common in commercial applications, but may be used in residential dwellings. Filters are a great way at stopping most indoor air issues, biological and non-biological factors. If you'd like more info on these, please contact us and have us check to see if this could be applied to your home's ductwork system!

UV Light

This technology is a proven method of reducing bacteria and viruses in your home! With UV Lights, time has proven them to be affective against air-borne diseases such as influenza, MRSA bacteria, H1N1 Virus, and many more! While findings on newer viruses, such as COVID-19, may not have scientific evidence to back up UV lights ability to eliminate the pathogens, further testing it's abilities will be made available to the pubic. UV Lights are accessories that can be fitted into any HVAC system, they are housed inside a system and require to not be exposed to the outside near humans or animals. UV Lighting should never be used on the skin, it is known to cause damage, including cancer, which is what makes it so effective in killing microbial life and viruses. UV light does not stop animal dander though or any non-biological factors. To have a UV Light installed in your system, please contact us to make an appointment!
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